Photo Brush 5.30
Photo Brush
Photo-Brush is an all-in-one image editing program for Windows PCs.
If you're big on photography, you know that no one takes the perfect picture every time. That's why we have image editing programs - to ensure our pictures come out looking absolutely wonderful so we can show them off to friends and family with confidence.
Photo-Brush is one of those programs that helps touch up your photos. With an attractive interface and a fairly intuitive set-up, Photo-Brush lets you make basic changes to your photos. These can include color adjustments, changes to exposure levels, hue, saturation and illumination, as well as sharpening or blurring where needed. In addition, you can crop your photos to perfection in a few simple clicks.
In addition to more professional tools, Photo-Brush also has a color lab and tools to alter the appearance of your photos in more humorous ways. Some of these effects are Liquid Warp, Fractal Droste and Little Planet, which is a stereographic projection. Photo-Brush also includes RAW support and has plug-in support for Adobe Photoshop programs, which will be a must for die-hard image and graphics users.
Do your images need color adjustments, crop, sharpening or some effects? Photo-Brush is an image editor that loads instantly and it is packed with easy-to-use features.
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