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The Complete React Web App Developer Course

The Complete React Web App Developer Course

course name

The Complete React Web App Developer Course


Learn React & Redux By Creating 5 Apps

There is no better time than now to learn React. According to the 2016 Stack Overflow Survey, React is in the top ten for developer salaries and it's the #1 fastest growing technology. That means more jobs and more opportunities for you.
I've designed this course around one goal: Turning you into a professional React developer capable of developing, testing, and deploying real-world production applications.
Learn React by building.
This course is project-based. You're responsible for writing code in every video as well as completing challenges I've designed to help test and reinforce what you've learned. This course is about creating, not watching!
You'll be programming and deploying three React apps:
  1. A weather application
  2. A countdown/timer app
  3. A todo application with social login and Firebase integration
This course covers more than just React. You'll learn about the rich ecosystem of 3rd-party tools, such as:
  1. React
  2. Redux
  3. Webpack
  4. Firebase
  5. Git/GitHub
  6. Heroku
  7. Chrome developer tools
  8. React and Redux developer tools
  9. Karma
  10. Mocha
  11. Foundation
  12. Axios
  13. And more!

Why React?
With so many alternative frameworks out there, the question has to be asked. Why React?
  1. React has a small learning curve and comes with fantastic documentation.
  2. React is fast and extensible
  3. React comes with a preprocess called JSX that simplifies HTML templates.
  4. React has an awesome community of open source developers creating great tools and libraries. It's used and supported by companies like Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, and more.

Access to fast support and a community of like-minded students.
I offer fast and friendly support. You won't have to sit around hoping someone will actually reply. I answer every single question that students post in a timely manner.
I can't wait to see you inside!
- Andrew

What are the requirements?

  • A computer on which you can install software (Windows, MacOS, or Linux)
  • A basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

What am I going to get from this course?

  • You'll learn how to develop, test, and deploy React web applications
  • Understand the rich ecosystem of 3rd-party libraries like Redux and Webpack
  • Learn how to setup and automate testing using Karma and Mocha
  • Learn to style applications using the Foundation framework

What is the target audience?

  • Anyone looking to launch their own React applications, switch careers, or freelance as a React developer

      7.89 GB


      All Levels

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