[Download] Beauty And The Beast 2017 HDCAM

Beauty and The Beast 2017 HD-TS x264-CPG
An adaptation of the Disney fairy tale about a monstrous-looking prince and a young woman who fall in love.
Director: Bill Condon
Writers: Stephen Chbosky (screenplay), Evan Spiliotopoulos (screenplay)
Stars: Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans
Genres: Family | Fantasy | Musical | Romance
Country: USA
Beauty and The Beast 2017 HD-TS x264-CPG
Video: AVC 2000kbps 720x304 23.976fps
Audio: AC3 192kbps 2.0
Language: English
Source: ItalianMD
Encoder: CPG
Sample: included
Notes: Used italian source which was good and complete but really Blurry, 720p is upscaled of Flash
Italian release and even worse due to blur and too much smoothness.
work on colors, bright and put sharp back to video.
Sample included Enjoy....
Will do 720p next for upscale lovers pfft...
P/S 1: Kong Blurr free also....
P/S 2: Very D!3K move by disney to allow gy sht in this tale.
P/S 3: em back for the 12TH time............... yeah!!! ...

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