Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 (32Bit) with Patch
Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 (32Bit) with Patch

Program Name: Adobe Photoshop
Description: The famous Adobe photoshop to create designs and edit pixel-based images as well as edit images taken by digital cameras 2020. Supports Arabic Language. 32Bit
Description: The famous Adobe photoshop to create designs and edit pixel-based images as well as edit images taken by digital cameras 2020. Supports Arabic Language. 32Bit
Amazing photo editing tools at your fingertips. A full set of image editing tools in the palm of your hand. Adobe Photoshop
Express brings the most important features for image enhancement and
collages right to your phone or tablet. Crop, straighten, remove red
eye, add text, reduce color noise, add borders, and more.
Version: 2020 v21.1.1.121
Core Type: (32Bit)
Download Adobe Photoshop 2020 (32Bit) ( 1,7 GB )
Download Patch (2.2 MB)
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